Workout of the Day: Sprint & Curl

Workout of the Day: Sprint & Curl
BY Virgin Active South Africa
Posted On 5 January, 2023

Getting a bit bored of using the treadmill for your warmup or cooldown? We’re here to help you mix it up.

The next time you’re at the club, grab a pair of dumbells and put them in a free spot close to your treadmill and get ready for a great 20 minute session.

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What’s involved? 

Make sure you’re all warmed up.

🕛Minute 1: 25 second hill sprints (as fast as you can manage)

🕐Minute 2: 10 x dumbbell curls (pick a weight that challenges you, but isn’t unachievable for 10 reps at a time).

Repeat for 20 minutes. 

Tag @VirginActiveSA in your Workout of the Day selfies. 



Hill sprints x 25 seconds

Tip: Set your treadmill at a 10% incline and try and set the speed to 14KPH (if you feel it is too fast, it’s your workout, slow it down). Be careful hopping on and off, you don’t need to rush, you have 45secs to recover before “minute 2’s” curls start.

Sprinting is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, it increases your stamina, burns a lot of calories in a short time and gives your metabolism a boost long after the workout is over.

Dumbell curls x 10 reps

Tip: Don’t lean back or swing as you lift. You have a full minute to get to 10 reps so slow and steady is the way to go.

Then, just repeat till you hit 20 mins. Let us know how you liked it 💪.