Our physical wellness is the cornerstone of our mental and emotional well being. Being active on a regular basis gives our mental and emotional sides a solid ground on which to build.
At Virgin Active Clubs, we have you covered from cardio to weight training and everything in between. While we have the tools covered, it’s up to you to take those first steps.
Here are some tips to give you that helping hand to get moving.
Going to the gym is only the first step, what do you do when you are there? This is where planning is so important. Write out a plan for the month, don’t just have a goal in mind, write down your weekly exercise routines to help you keep track. Sign up for one of our free Kickstart programmes to help you get started. Kickstart is a free 30 day gym programme delivered via WhatsApp designed to meet your health and fitness goals. All you need to do is select your goal from Get Strong & Toned, Get Fit or Lose Weight and start your journey. Head off to our app to get started.
Variety is your best friend. Hitting the same exercises week in and week out will not only get boring but your body will get used to the routine of it. Your goals will then seem even further away as you hit a plateau. Mix your cardio up, change your weight training exercises up regularly, and take a couple of classes at your local Virgin Active to keep it fresh and fun. Visit your app to browse and book classes at your club.
Try some Yoga and Pilates classes to help get you more flexible and work the body in completely new ways. Due to the more precise movements, they could help with your mind and muscle connection. You’ll find loads of classes that you can do online or at your club on your app.
Don’t skip! We aren’t talking about the skipping rope, but by all means please use that too if it’s your vibe. We are talking about days in your exercise routine, especially at the beginning of your journey. It can be tempting to miss a day when you’re feeling tired or just not in the mood. But take that step and get into the gym, once you are there all those feelings fall away and you walk away glad that you knuckled down and got active.
Being healthy doesn’t have to be a sea of superfoods and crazy workout regimes, but it does need a little commitment from you to form healthy habits. Make daily routines and rituals more enjoyable. If you normally shower, take a long bath rather. Try incorporating new ways of moving into your day.