The business of Yoga at your desk

The business of Yoga at your desk
BY Virgin Active South Africa
Posted On 5 January, 2023

From Scandinavia to Suriname, people sit at a desk for over 6 hours a day. Not good news for shoulders, posture, energy levels or spines. Here’s a solution.

While first prize would be to slither into the workout gear and head outdoors, the reality is that it’s not always easy to step away from the desk: there is work to do and money to be made. One quick solution, however, is chair Yoga. You don’t have to go anywhere, change outfits or find change for parking. Just close the office door, mute the phone, shut down your email and do a quick, yet meaningful, session online.


The backbone of life

Mechanically speaking, one of the spine’s greatest jobs is to support the head which, if you think about it, is a pretty big deal given that the adult human head weighs roughly 4.5 kgs. But biology aside, Yogis believe that the spine is the main channel that carries the primal life force energy and that the more flexible the spine, the younger you feel.

Basic Yoga poses can work wonders for the body. Yoga boosts:

🧘Proper alignment by stretching and strengthening the back, neck, hips and shoulder muscles that often get tense when sitting.
🧘Bloodflow to the muscles and nerves.
🧘The circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid that feeds the spinal cord and brain.

12 minutes to nurturing your spine

Join Yogi Laurin who will take you through a short sequence of seated postures and stretches. Working from your head to your shoulders, chest, hips, knees and ankles, this session will make you feel realigned, calmer and re-energised. Try it now.

Check out our online Yoga classes for more.

Photo by Elsa Noblet on Unsplash